Sunday, February 27, 2005

The Obscurance

We hardly know the age we're in. Most think Modern. Unless of course you are current, then you might say Post-Modern. If you were a 60's child, Nuclear might come to mind. Would that we were. This is the Obscurance.

A new Dark Age of religious fanaticism, corporate feudalism and contracted visions. An age that loses knowledge of rational relationships and where Enlightenment is a heresay memory.

An age detracted from reflection, achievement, individuation. Lost in self-absorptive labor for a faceless master. An age of wars and rumors of what would have been a greater peace if only we had...

This is an age of benighted beings held by undead souls. An age in which we all wish for another life but can only see the past while future swirls around us. An age in which we loose humanity.

This is an age when we no longer know what just passed or why we were there when it happened. An age in which we must keep faith in something we do not know and cannot understand.

Earstwhile once and sometime being quondam upon a rivlet set against a sea of darkness flowing past our window.

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